We're riding our bikes across Europe!

From our train trip five years ago ...

Almost two decades since my last time there, I'm going back to Europe, to reacquaint myself with old friends and old places.
Almost a decade of living, learning and working in northern Australia and I'm taking an absence of leave, leaving the big, beautiful, open spaces, leaving the culture of my birth and the culture(s) of my country and leaving behind people who have taught me so much about my country, my self and brought so much richness into my life.
Sharing this journey with me is lovely Niamh, coming from her new home back to visit her homeland, Ireland.

We're flying from Darwin to Dili then travelling mostly by boat and train from East Timor, through Indonesia to Singapore, thence Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China to Vladivostok, the Russian city on the Pacific that I've had a yen to visit for yonks. We'll travel through Siberia to Moscow and then onto Europe, with time in Germany and Ireland and wherever else happens to seem good at the time.

So, that's the go and I can't wait!

Me and Niamh at sunset at Yankirri-kurlangu, just south of Lajamanu, October 2013.

See the map of our travels here.